Kayu Lima Utama, PT is an Indonesian Wooden Furniture Manufacture and Export Company based in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesian. Since 1991, the company has been producing fine quality contemporary furniture, which receive enthusiastic acceptance in the international market. Our mission is providing customers with quality products, design, price and on-time performance. The main markets of our company are foreign countries. Our current market is the United States, Europe and Asia. We guarantee that our product and the entire production process are safe, legal and environmentally friendly. All of our wooden materias are certified with SVLK (Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu). We can assure that all of our products pass the contruction test and transit test ( Packaging)
Since 1991, overone hundred international wholesalers, retailers, and distributors have been our clients. Our clients are originated from all over the world, inclkuding Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, france, United Kingdom, Spain, United States, Japan, and Korea.
You can choose designs from various collection that we offer, or custom your very own product. Supported with our expertise in Research and Development, we have the capability to produce widepranging types of wooden furniture including large-sized furniture, knockdown items, cumstomized finishing like natural, rustic, and antique look mix-material combinations; basically executing any desgin possibly imagined into physical products. We guarantee that our product and the entire production process are safe, legal and environmentally friendly. All of our wooden materias are certified with SVLK, which stands of Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu or Timber Legality Assurance System. It is designed to assure that all of our products come from legal source, which verified by independent auditors. We can assure that all of our products pass the contruction test and transit test ( Packaging). We Nevwr have problem in meeting the standards set in previous vendor compliance.